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Possible Explanation for Intestinal Issues that have Plagued Me

I had 80 days of severe diarrhea that wouldn't go away. I'm talking 4 to 12 times a day. 2 trips of over 10 days each and discharged with a 'script. It took Tincture of Opium to stop the Diarrhea, but I can't afford that so we have another less effective medication that is affordable but we never discovered the actual cause and I'm now home with a short term solution and slightly frustrated. Then I saw this post on then Liver foundation support website and I sent it to my Doctors as as a possible cause. The rest is describing the remedy.

a clot in the vein where the new liver was sewn in. The clot backed up into the superior mesenteric vein. That vein is the outlet for the small intestine and part of the colon. The pain was centered on the left, below the liver, and in front. I also had bouts of diarrhea, bordering on incontinence, and severe nausea. It was always worse about 30-45 minutes after eating, the heavier the meal the more pain and the more bowl problems. The pain and digestive problems was the small intestine complaining about trying to digest food while being partially starved of oxygen. This is a potentially life treatening condition. It went on for several weeks, getting worse each time. I eventually went to the ER. They did a CT scan of my abdomen and could see the clot. This would also be the way to check for kidney stones. I spent a week in the hospital getting a heparin drip 24/7 until the clot abated some. I took injections of another blood thinner several times a day for many weeks after being discharged. I took about 2 months before it finally dissolved. They cannot give you clot busting drugs for this because there is no path to this vein from somewhere else. It is “land locked” between your liver and small intestine. I now take eliquis 2x per day to keep my blood thin enough to prevent another one. It is considered to be a type of deep vein thrombosis.

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