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Social Security Disability - Demystified

This will hopefully be, shall we say, So you Lesson in Coping with ESLD. Let's talk about SSDI a little. 1. 70% of initial claims are denied. So I would not file with out hiring a Lawyer who Specializes in SSDI Claims. 2. Be ready for a relatively long Process, Mine took extra time due to an appeal due to denial of initial claim.. 3. Gather every single medical record. If the more complete and accurate the better your chances.are before the appeal/claim. This is why hiring a lawyer makes sense. I now have approximately 2,300 pages of medical records and counting. An Experienced attorney can arrange the presentation so the records reviewed cast your claim in the most favorable light. 4 How much is this Lawyer going to cost me. Wel the fees are capped by law. With SSDI claims there is always a period of time from Initial Claim to Award of Claim, This can take from several months to several years. The Attorney is paid the lesser of 25% or $6,000 of the "Back Money". For example I was awarded SSDI of @2213 /mo in October of 2016 on a claim filed in April 2015. So the math works like this $2,213 x 13 months = $28,769 your. From "Back Money", 5 months are withheld , So the Legal fee is 25& of $17704 or $4426. This is a real bargain and I highly recommend this course of action, ig claim is denied the Legal Fee is ZERO ZIP ZILCH I do hope this helps. Because you have enough stress and pressure on you and I pray every day for guidance and to remain strong. Here is my story

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